It has been a lot of fun reading everyone's victory posts this morning.
I had to shovel snow BEFORE rowing on the final day (4 hours of shoveling is a pretty hard full body workout now because in some spots I had to actually jump up in the air as I flung each shovel full of snow in order to get the snow up to the top of the pile - I'm sure it looked quite comical.)
Then, after rowing I came it to log my final meters, and the internet was down - we were shut down for 24 hours for exceeding our Fair Access limit for the day. Arrrrgggg! Thankfully C2 allows the January entries to be made until Feb. 5, so I got to log my meters this morning.
This has truly been a fun month. I have rowed more meters in this month than any before, and it is all due to the group here, so THANKS to all of you! The forum participation has been great! I feel like I have a lot of new friends here.
And now, I just have to share a special moment with you all. I raise white homing pigeons which I use for ceremonial dove releases at weddings, funerals and other events. Our first babies of the season hatched on Wednesday and Thursday. I happened to catch the second baby as he was only half way out of the shell, so here you see big brother, and new baby on his way into the world.
Here is big brother on the day he hatched.
Here is Daddy (the Dad sits on the nest during the day, and the hen sits on it at night, with the Dad standing guard nearby.)