LUNA-TICS Astro-rower-naut Team Room - Hangin' Out Together

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Post by PJM » February 1st, 2008, 11:00 am

This was a real adventure in rowing and it was an honor & pleasure to row with you and "talk" to you.


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Post by just27 » February 1st, 2008, 2:17 pm

Hi - Rodrigo in Mexico City ... your name is legend at our house! I'd be ridiculously thrilled whenever I thought I'd almost caught you ... then you'd post some mega-meters and leave me wallowing in your wake. My husband just shook his head when I'd throw up my hands and wail "look what Rodrigo did today!" Great motivation and cheap fun. Thx for the memories! :)

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Post by RGT » February 1st, 2008, 3:19 pm

Thanks a lot Chris, you´re great. I hope we can have the same fun and motivation on the next challenge, keep rowing.


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Post by Kristine Strasburger » February 1st, 2008, 4:02 pm

It has been a lot of fun reading everyone's victory posts this morning.

I had to shovel snow BEFORE rowing on the final day (4 hours of shoveling is a pretty hard full body workout now because in some spots I had to actually jump up in the air as I flung each shovel full of snow in order to get the snow up to the top of the pile - I'm sure it looked quite comical.)

Then, after rowing I came it to log my final meters, and the internet was down - we were shut down for 24 hours for exceeding our Fair Access limit for the day. Arrrrgggg! Thankfully C2 allows the January entries to be made until Feb. 5, so I got to log my meters this morning. :D

This has truly been a fun month. I have rowed more meters in this month than any before, and it is all due to the group here, so THANKS to all of you! The forum participation has been great! I feel like I have a lot of new friends here.

And now, I just have to share a special moment with you all. I raise white homing pigeons which I use for ceremonial dove releases at weddings, funerals and other events. Our first babies of the season hatched on Wednesday and Thursday. I happened to catch the second baby as he was only half way out of the shell, so here you see big brother, and new baby on his way into the world.


Here is big brother on the day he hatched.


Here is Daddy (the Dad sits on the nest during the day, and the hen sits on it at night, with the Dad standing guard nearby.)


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Post by thomaspinckney » February 1st, 2008, 8:23 pm

Way to make that goal!! :D Thanks for the great forum. It no doubt got a bunch of us rowing like crazy!! Tom

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Post by acrewer » February 1st, 2008, 8:49 pm

Kristine - thanks for organizing this team and congratulations on the baby birds.

Like Jack, I rowed more meters this month than any month since I bought my erg a year ago. Only 350,000 to my first million. After logging 134,643 this month (and I wasn't home for a week), it does seem like ONLY 350K!

Thanks to TIMBUKT2 for a great competition and the neat stats.

I hope the team forums stay open all year, it would be fun to see how many of us complete the February Challenge - lets go for 100% particpation!


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Post by acrewer » February 1st, 2008, 8:57 pm

Karyn G - you were in my sights during the last few days :shock: ... I tried my darndest to catch you! Thanks for a great challenge.

Andrea - I noticed from your profile that you are in Santa Clara. I was on the SCU Crew back in the early days when women were barely allowed in the boat house.

Gina L.

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Post by Kristine Strasburger » February 2nd, 2008, 1:19 am

Did either of you row on Lexington Reservoir? I grew up in the Santa Cruz mountains on the south side of Lexington, and went to High School at Los Gatos High. We drove past Lexington every day, and there would be rowing sculls out there often. I always thought it would be fun to be on the HS team, but didn't know any other girl rowers, so never pursued it. I wish I had now, knowing how much I like to row indoors.

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Post by Bob S. » February 2nd, 2008, 1:29 am

thomaspinckney wrote: A new cross-training program is in order especially working on my core, picking up my erg 500 times (I can row a good distance, but my 500 times are slow compared to others here).

When I first read that I misinterpreted it and thought that you were using the erg as a weight and doing 500 reps. The sentence in the parentheses got me straightened out, but I find the original concept amusing. I have seen the erg used for a lot of different exercises (like sit-ups), but I had never considered it as a substitute for a bar bell. That would indeed be a new cross-training program

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Post by NMB4010 » February 2nd, 2008, 1:34 am

My thanks to Jan Stevenson for providing me with someone to chase! Jan really pulled some tough meters the last few days (which was inspiring to watch from behind). I tried keeping up with Kristine, but she took off and left several of us in the dust. Kristine, you've done a great job of leading this effort and facilitating discussion. I know it's not as easy a job as you've made it seem, so congrats on a job well done! The dove photos made me chuckle because my first thought when reading your posting was "is there ANYTHING Kristine doesn't do?" You seem to pack your days with passionate pursuits of all varieties!

I took yesterday and today off to try and finally recover from the cold or flu bug I have. I still can't believe that I rowed so many meters while sick -- not my usual approach. :)

I hope to start back up tomorrow and aim for another 300k for February! I look forward to keeping in touch with you all on our new forum (thanks, Kristine for pursuing!).

Also, congratulations on the LUNA-TICS moving up to #17 in the University/Club Standings for the year!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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Post by Calamity » February 2nd, 2008, 2:41 am

Any one know where to download the JVC certificate? its not popping up on my log like the holiday challenge did.
PS too bad C2 did not do a pink shirt for breast cancer like I suggested. The white/gray choices are a little dull.

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Post by PJM » February 2nd, 2008, 9:59 am

The Certificate is on the TEAMS page when you access that part of the site.

Concept2 will have the shirt with the pink ribbon at another time.They thought it was a great idea too.

Great job in the Challenge..


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Post by Kona2 » February 2nd, 2008, 12:26 pm


Thanks for the competitive team spirit everyone - it was fun to be the chaser and the chasee. It's amazing how those meters rowed by our virtual teammates would erg us on for more meters (especially when it was just enough to edge you out !). And then when some of our team members would share their goals, I found myself cheering them on when they achieved them.

I thought Kristine had disappeared under the snow in Idaho there on the last day, but she emerged successful in her goal to cap the 400K mark. We had much less snow in Denver area over the last week - but there's nothing quite like rowing an extra set and then walking outside and seeing that "oh yeah, I still have to shovel for an hour or so."

Looks like HVAK might have edged Timbuk2 for 5th place - again with the addition of more team members on the last day, and a big effort by the HVAK team. I'm thinking a cap on membership by the end of the third week seems a bit more fair, but I am new to virtual challenges.

Best regards - Kona2 (Jan Stevenson)

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Post by bg » February 2nd, 2008, 3:20 pm

thanks again kristine and all the luna-tics and our visitors....i rowed more than i thought i goals are now the february challenge...doing some speed workouts...right now it would take me close to five hours to do a marathon...ouch...and to build up my meters...oh..and to get to one million meters...thanks again everyone...barbara

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Post by sheltiegirl » February 2nd, 2008, 4:37 pm

Hello, Luna-tics. My name is Lynn. I hadn't planned on joining any team for the JVC, but you seemed like such a fun group! I was able to join late in the game, thanks to Kristine fitting me in. She did a spectacular job as team captain, I hope she volunteers for it again next year.
Last edited by sheltiegirl on February 2nd, 2008, 11:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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