I'm writing hoping to get some advice on an issue I've experienced mid-ride on my BikeErg.
For context: I (almost always) ride on a constant damper setting (around 5) for an hour or so at a time, twice daily. The issue is, that at approximately 30-40 minutes into the ride, I experience the feeling of increased resistance despite not changing any settings or altering the ride.
In real-world cycling terms, it's as though I turn a corner and am met with a headwind, or an incline, paired with a grittier road surface to contend with (the bike losing a lot of 'smoothness').
This becomes a struggle and normally does not go away until 50 minutes or an hour into the ride when it tends to normalise.
I've already contacted Concept2 and their solution was to send me a replacement, which has not fixed the issue.
I''m hoping to find folks with similar issues or some help as my patience is starting to wear thin.
Issue Mid-Ride
Re: Issue Mid-Ride
Which suggests it's not a machine problem, unless it's the air flow that's changed somehow. Have you tried readjusting drag? It's possible that this can change with time and maybe temperature.has not fixed the issue.
08-1940, 179cm, 83kg.
Re: Issue Mid-Ride
hey thanks for responding and for your suggestion
it's reassuring to know you think it's likely not a machine fault, but the issue persists
it could be noteworthy to mention that i use a vacmaster cardio54 at approximately 2 o'clock, quite close to the erg/myself as to not obstruct the airflow from the fan.
as per your suggestion, i've adjusted the drag settings, but to no avail. full recalibration does not help, either.
i'm at a loss for ideas; it is a real struggle when the issue 'kicks in' and still happens every single ride.
it's reassuring to know you think it's likely not a machine fault, but the issue persists
it could be noteworthy to mention that i use a vacmaster cardio54 at approximately 2 o'clock, quite close to the erg/myself as to not obstruct the airflow from the fan.
as per your suggestion, i've adjusted the drag settings, but to no avail. full recalibration does not help, either.
i'm at a loss for ideas; it is a real struggle when the issue 'kicks in' and still happens every single ride.
Re: Issue Mid-Ride
The Rowerg, using Ergdata, shows us both peak and average forces, in Newtons. Can you see these forces and any changes on the Bikeerg too?I experience the feeling of increased resistance
Can you be sure the energy paths in use are the same for the entire WO? If not it's possible the the sensations they create may vary.
Do you monitor HR/Watts/O2 etc for the entire WO, in order to identify drift?
08-1940, 179cm, 83kg.
Re: Issue Mid-Ride
hey again,
thanks for taking the time to follow up on this. i appreciate your attention to my niggling concern.
however, and following the advice in your previous response, i have adjusted drag here and there which seems to have helped somewhat, but for a short time, and if you've ridden the bike erg you'll understand that adjusting the drag is... well... a drag in itself.
thanks for taking the time to follow up on this. i appreciate your attention to my niggling concern.
i'm unable to find this on the ergdata app, or the C2 logbook online. perhaps i am missing something obvious? i have the rowerg too but am not invested much in stats, as they were an obsession that became detrimental during my days running. however, i can see cadence/power (watts) and drag factor. additionally, my garmin shows me cadence, speed and HR. i am unable to see newtons though.
it's all pretty steady - cadence and HR are almost flat the whole way. the C2 splits show me the watts gradually decrease over time, but i presume that to be expected. there is no notable increase when the ride smoothens approx 50-55minutes in, though.
funnily enough, i hide the monitor as it distracts from my main activities of either reading or watching shows on the tablet. i also try and avoid seeing the duration of my ride, which probably doesn't help this analysis much.
however, and following the advice in your previous response, i have adjusted drag here and there which seems to have helped somewhat, but for a short time, and if you've ridden the bike erg you'll understand that adjusting the drag is... well... a drag in itself.