Elizabeth wrote: ↑September 11th, 2023, 10:37 am
I don't feel strongly about having male and female times mixed in, but think a final result that lets you filter by age/sex/etc would be helpful. Are you using the open world records, or a certain age group amongst the men?
That's definitely the case, I can filter by age/sex/etc in the final result, so that the #1 W is #1 when filtering by gender and maybe #257 when not filtering by gender (i.e. there are 256 M rowers faster than her).
The question is more: assuming all the overall WRs are hold by M rowers, in a 3-events c2athlon a top-notch M would have a score close to 3000pts, while a top-notch F would have much less (because I use M WRs are reference).
Elizabeth wrote: ↑September 11th, 2023, 10:37 am
If this is more of a general-interest tool, it would make sense to me to have it look at a couple of additional "similar" distances and then choose the best to rank. This could help fill some of the gaps. What I mean is that some teams choose a 5k and some choose a 6k for a season time trial, and performance at one would roughly correlate with performance at the other. So either could "count". If it's something to provide some motivation to get in the given ranked distances and see how they stack up, then it makes more sense to leave those numbers at zero.
The 5K vs 6K seems to be the only instance of event that are so close that rowers can pick one of the two at random (I use the WR as listed here:
https://www.concept2.com/indoor-rowers/ ... ords/world).
Probably doable, but would make things a bit more complex on my side. But yeah, it's just code, it's MEANT to be messy
Elizabeth wrote: ↑September 11th, 2023, 10:37 am
I think the biggest distances that I see people focus on are 500m, 2k, 5k/6k, and 30r20. I can't remember when I last did a 10k. But 30r20 are not rankable as such. (I currently have one ranked as a 30:00 piece though.)
I have no data for 30r20 WR, so that's a no-go

I was also thinking about making this a bit funny, with categories like:
- The Boring Core: 2K + 5K
- The Mighty Spread: 500m (or maybe 1min) + HM (or even FM)
- The ICanDoItAll: 500m + 1K + 2K + 5K + 10K + HM + FM
And that before mixing RowErg event in too